AOL TV interviews Jason Wiles about Persons Unknown

Spoiler TV interviews Jason Wiles about Persons Unknown

411 Mania interview Jason Wiles about Persons Unknown

KS Magazine Cover and interview (found in page 51. Link to complete Aug 2010 issue of the magazine in PDF format)

Theater Mania Jason Wiles Says Mass in Dennis, Mass (about 2002 theater play Mass Apeal)

Coby Bell Interview (on Burn Notice ) talks about working with Jason Wiles on Third Watch (from TV Overmind)

         I’d be remiss if I didn’t ask you about Third Watch. How on earth did you handle all that running? I’m surprised you or Jason Wiles didn’t just faint at some point, considering every episode one or both of you was chasing someone.
        The first two seasons they really ran me a lot. I was 23 when I got that job, so I guess they figured let the kid do all the running. And I think it was a rookie thing. The rookie just wants to chase after anyone who’s done anything wrong. Jason’s character Bosco never got over that. Jason’s actually really fast. We were doing a scene where we had to chase some guy together, and I was like, “Dude, you need to slow down a little, you’re making me look bad.”
       You two seemed to work really well together. What was that like?
  Our characters weren’t partners, but we got to do a lot of stuff together. Jason’s a great guy. I haven’t seen him in awhile. I miss him.

"I was always a clown. In the eighth grade I won a city speech contest by doing an Eddie Murphy routine. I'm no good at public speaking, but if I can assume a role and speak as that person, then I'm fine. When I had to give a book report, I always did it in character"

(Referring to how Eddie Cibrian beat him in the TV Guide "You Sexy Thing" poll) "Oh no, I didn't have a chance. Eddie is my close friend, but he is much more beautiful than I am, dimples and all. He blows me out of the water. I'm a scrub next to him."

 "When I first started the show, I was known as the ‘cop nerd.’ I was in the 9th Precinct in the East Village every day. I’d be at work wearing a fake bulletproof vest with foam in it, then I’d leave and put on a real one to ride around with these guys".

(During his first visit to Ground Zero in New York)
Jason Wiles: The chief of police stopped me to say hello and his wife was there saying 'Look who's here! Look who's here!'. I had no idea that this guy would watch the show. That's a pretty big compliment.


Interview about his 2010 NBC TV show Persons Unknown

Interview in the Kansas City premiere of directorial debut movie Lenexa 1 Mile
Available in DVD under the name Full Count

Behind the Scenes Promo of the TV show Third Watch (1999-2005) with Wiles in which he played agent Maurice Boscorelli


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